
A small pinch of dried and ground psilocybin mushroom used daily, usually in the morning, can be helpful in relieving deeply rooted conditions such as these:

  • Depression and anxiety
  • Insomnia and exhaustion
  • Addiction and obsessions
  • Grief and shock
  • Low self-worth and loss of meaning
  • Negativity and low motivation
  • Learning difficulties
  • Cluster headaches
  • Mood swings

There are differing views on the frequency and also the size of the microdose, especially when searching for more information online. More important than anything, is listening to your own intuition and body. There is no wrong way.

Our advice comes from our own experience and learning over the past 12 years, when Soma Retreats first began in Somerset West.

From this experience, any microdose which is more than “a pinch” does not provide any more benefit than any larger quantifiable dose. That “pinch”, equates to roughly 50mg and can be taken whenever required.

In the beginning, even two to three times per day as necessary. This small amount cannot affect your physical or mental performance. Individual responses differ, and you can experiment and learn what works for you.

When working with Soma and sacred mushrooms, as we have been since ancient times, nature is our guide. We should avoid the mindset of microdosing with mushrooms as medicine.

We would like to promote a change in that modern understanding. That is one of the many good reasons we do not provide sacrament in capsule form.

For the quickest and more lasting results we also suggest first experiencing a high dose with a Soma Retreat, before starting with microdosing. Rapid progress is made at the retreat and it also contributes as a kind of calibration from the beginning.

Gaining an understanding of that feeling and awakening your intuition from the outset, can save a lot of misunderstanding, wasteful experimenting and potentially taking more than necessary. That said, taking “too much” is not wrong or harmful.

Thereafter, microdosing enables a stable continuation of the healing with the tiny daily amount of powdered psilocybin mushrooms.



Use a small amount every morning (similar in volume to a small pinch of salt). Using the tip of a teaspoon or knife, place the powder on your tongue and leave it there to soften and mostly disappear. In a minute or two, the psilocybin will be absorbed through the membranes of the mouth into the blood stream. The tiny amount of grainy pieces left should be swallowed. Avoid drinking any liquid for about 30 minutes.

This amount cannot affect your physical or mental performance. Quite soon – within two or three days – you will notice these kinds of changes:

  • Correction of inner balance and well-being
  • Dissipation of anger or anxiety
  • Ability to process meaning in grief, loss and shock
  • Increased focus and concentration
  • Mood stabilization
  • Relaxed, dream-filled sleep

Should your condition be long-standing, such as depression, start with a small pinch of the powder  two or three times a day. It should not be necessary to continue with this for more than a week. There are no side-effects, and psilocybin is not addictive.

When you begin to feel an improvement, reduce the number of times used each day until it is not necessary to take any. At times of stress in the future, a few days – or even just one day – of micro-dosing will help to restore well-being.



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