Preparing your food and kitchen


If you are at a physical retreat watchers would be preparing soup and setting up the kitchen. When you are working on your own, we feel that it is just as important for you to prepare your own kitchen space as best you can prior to starting your journey. The information we share would also be helpful for a companion that will be with you.

Your kitchen – Before the journey

It is very therapeutic to make a nourishing veggie soup for yourself the Saturday afternoon before the retreat, this is a gift you give your body after having your Soma experience and fasting throughout Saturday
You can make the soup and then wrap the pot up in a towel and then a big blanket, it usually stays warm enough and won’t need heating when you are ready to eat later in the evening. If you have a Hotbag you can use that.
It helps to set everything out for yourself that you think you could need i.e., bread, butter, plate, serviette, soup bowl, mug, etc. Put everything ready on a tray. If you like to have a warm drink after your journey make a flask of rooibos tea or another herbal tea so it is ready to pour. We don’t realise how difficult a simple task can seem when coming out of your journey, so helping yourself for later in the evening is key.
Also remember to drink a little more water today and stay hydrated on Saturday.

Your kitchen – During and after

You should have some dark chocolate and apple ready as indicated in the instructions for preparing and taking the sacrament. It’s a good idea to keep the rest of the sliced apple somewhere near you during the journey for a little snack as you start coming out of the journey. If you like and eat almonds, having a few on the plate with your apple slices is a good idea.

My experience is that I struggle to eat soup when coming out of the fast and find having a few sips of Stoney ginger beer and some banana very calming, especially if you experience some nausea. A nice piece of toast, butter and marmite or cheese is also good. Remember to keep your water bottle near you as well.

Have something tasty and easy to prepare for your breakfast the next morning and bring it to the Zoom discussion.


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