The Soma Way

In a Soma Ceremony we offer you the opportunity to have a deeply spiritual, mystical, personal, and possibly life-changing experience – a journey into your own consciousness and beyond.

We practice this work and offer these ceremonies in the ‘Soma Way’ – with the seriousness, reverence, respect, and humility it deserves.

There is no shamanism involved. We are neither your ‘guide’ during your experience nor your therapist. We believe that your Soma experience is deeply personal; that your journey is between you and source, whatever that may be for you, facilitated by the spirit of the mushroom. It is your journey, your experience.

The Soma Way is an inward journey. In most cases there is very little outward manifestation of what you may be experiencing or what insights and messages you are being shown.

Our responsibility is to help you prepare your Self and to provide you with a safe, loving, compassionate and trustworthy environment within which you can immerse yourself fully and deeply into the experience.

We do not profess to treat or ‘heal’ any condition (such as depression, social anxieties, addictions, and the like). That a Soma journey may provide relief from such conditions is in our view occasioned by the deeply spiritual journey that we help you to experience.  Often it is incumbent upon you the journeyer taking positive steps in relation to insights and messages received during the journey and realisations made in the days, months and even years following a Soma experience.


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